Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Girl, The Mental Patient, And Pretty Stupid Boy Who Inhabit Trump's Orbit

Ryan Lizza reviews "Siege," Michael Wolff's new book on the Trump White House, wherein the Orange Shitgibbon offers his comments about those around him:
The cutting comments Wolff attributes to Trump certainly sound like the president: “the stupidest man in Congress” and a “religious nut” (Mike Pence); “gives me the creeps” (Karen Pence); “feeble” (John Kelly); “a girl” (Kushner); “looks like a mental patient” (Giuliani); “a pretty stupid boy” who “has too many f---ing kids” (Donald Trump Jr.); “men’s shop salesmen” (Republican House candidates); “ignoramuses” (Trump’s communications team); “the only stupid Jew” (Michael Cohen); “a dirty rat” (former White House counsel Donald McGahn); a “virgin crybaby” who was “probably molested by a priest” (Brett Kavanaugh); “the poor man’s Ann Coulter” (Kellyanne Conway); “sweaty” (Stephen Miller). But the lack of sourcing transparency and footnotes does not inspire confidence.
What does inspire confidence?  Those characterizations are spot on (and they do sound an awfully lot like something that would come out of the OS's puckered mouth).

At another point in the review, Lizza notes that Wolff quotes derelict cosplayer and former aide Steve Bannon's theory for Trump's disrespecting those around him:
... [He] credibly theorizes that Trump’s inevitable disgust with anyone who works for him is a natural outgrowth of his alleged self-hatred. “Hating himself, he of course comes to hate anyone who seems to love him,” Bannon tells Wolff. “If you seem to respect him, he thinks he’s put something over on you — therefore you’re a fool.”
We only play psychologists on this blog, but we're inclined to think Trump's pathological narcissism (and Trump checks every single box)  is the operating factor rather than "self- hatred."  The jackass thinks he's superior to everyone but has a thin- skinned sense of self (not self- hatred, though) that has to be defended at all costs by, for example, belittling others around him to assure himself of his superiority.  If the quote is even partially correct, Trump does hit on a truth: anyone who respects him is a fool.


  1. He's also the most terrified person ever to occupy the presidency.

  2. jsrtheta -- yes, terrified and terrifying!
