Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump Says He'd Take Foreign Involvement In Election, Again

Smug, treasonous ignoramus Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, ladies and gentlemen:

He's not only welcoming it, he's saying there won't be any consequences for foreign governments doing so.  Of all the low, evil, destructive moments in his sordid presidency, it doesn't get lower than this.

Some selected reactions:

We await the chorus of corrupted crickets that is the rotted out Republican Party.


  1. Did anyone ask if he'd be OK with his opponent receiving similar information on him? I bet THAT would be a non-starter.

  2. bluzdude -- great point! He'd consider that "treason!" Irony just died.

  3. Every day this sorry excuse for a human being and sorry excuse for a president takes his party and this country to new depths. He's openly asking for damaging information from foreign countries. Other countries, like Russia and North Korea, have elevated their standing on the world stage as a result of dealing with Trump, so why wouldn't other seedy elements want to get some of that prestige?

    I can't wait to see how Barr spins this open, obvious statement. Will he say the president was just throwing out a hypothetical and would never accept oppo info in real life? Will he say the president has not and will not ask for foreign input and that this was just a trap set by the lying media? Will he say the president would not be allowed to accept foreign info because his team would not let him do it?

    Always lies, always cheats, always finds new ways to diminish the country for his own gain.
