Monday, June 10, 2019

Washington Post Buys What Trump Is Selling

The lede in today's Washington Post story on the Extremely Stable Genius' agreement with Mexico could have been written at the Republican National Committee:
President Trump and his allies on Sunday declared victory in the tariffs standoff with Mexico after the administration appeared to have secured significant commitments from the Mexican government to stem the flow of Central American migrants at the U.S. border.
The agreement gave Trump fresh ammunition against his critics, who have pointed out that his controversial negotiating tactics have yielded far fewer results than promised on multiple issues during his time in office.
Whether the deal will greatly reduce the number of migrants entering the United States remains to be seen. But it nonetheless represents a serious effort by Mexico to do more on an issue central to Trump’s reelection campaign after he threatened to impose a 5 percent across-the-board tariff on one of the United States’ top trading partners. (our emphasis)
 Buried in the 15th paragraph:
These are agreements that Mexico had already made, in some cases months ago,” former congressman Beto O’Rourke, who is running for president, said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.” “They might have accelerated the timetable, but by and large the president achieved nothing except to jeopardize the most important trading relationship that the United States of America has.”  (our emphasis)
That paragraph is followed by a lot of "he said/ she said" discussion that only serves the interests of the White Supremacist House con man by largely ignoring the seminal fact that an artificial crisis was created followed by an artificial solution, not coincidentally at the same time attention was being focused on the Mueller report and the onset of Congressional hearings.  That's what's called "taking the bait," Washington Post!

After the rival New York Times' June 8 story exposing the "agreement" as mostly a rehash of already agreed upon moves by the US and Mexico, one can only speculate about the motives behind the Post's reporting that the Extremely Stable Genius' threat to impose tariffs was the catalyst for the (already agreed- upon) "significant commitments."  Professional jealousy?  Beat sweetening?  Ethical blinders? 

Meanwhile, "Democracy Dies In Darkness" remains just above the article, at the top of the Post's front page.

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