Friday, July 19, 2019

Anti-Labor Lawyer Nominated for Labor Secretary

Sociopath and bigot Donald "Very Fine People" Trump never tires of selecting the proverbial fox to guard the hens to his Cabinet. Or, think Dracula put in charge of the blood bank.  Following the ignominious, forced resignation of child trafficking enabler Alex Acosta from his post as Labor Secretary, Trump looked for the most right-wing, anti-labor clown he could find, and he did: Eugene Scalia, son of the infamous right-wing Justice Antonin Scalia, whom he has nominated for the post.

Scalia, much like his far-right father, has no use for organized labor or the regulations that protect labor from abuses and exploitation from their corporate employers. His Social Darwinist view that workers should fend for themselves without the types of protections big business receives marks him as the perfect nominee in Trump's government vandalism project. Scalia is coming from a law firm that is known for suing on behalf of business interests over those of working Americans:
"His most prominent labor case helped undo an Obama-era rule to put stricter requirements on professionals who advise retirement savers on investments. He also criticized a Clinton-era rule to protect workers from repetitive stress injuries that was ultimately repealed early in the Bush administration. Scalia defended Boeing from a labor union lawsuit and fought on behalf of Wal-Mart against a Maryland law aimed at improving workers’ health care." (our emphasis)
"Improving workers' health care!?" Shameful, taking money out of the pockets of the makers and putting it in the pockets of the takers.

Scalia will face a rough confirmation hearing from Dems after summer adjournment, and hopefully will have little more than a year in office to continue the dismantling of regulations protecting workers. As with so much, that depends on every one of us voting in 2020 to make it happen.

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