Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Flags, Fireworks And Tanks, Cont. (UPDATED)

We've been tracking plans made by Putin puppet and would- be caudillo Donald "Rump" Trump to hijack the Fourth of July celebration in the nation's capital, including having military flyovers and a display of tanks to festoon his televised address.  Meanwhile, there seems to be no price too big to pay to further inflate the ego of this worthless dolt:
The National Park Service is diverting nearly $2.5 million in entrance and recreation fees primarily intended to improve parks across the country to cover costs associated with President Trump’s Independence Day celebration Thursday on the Mall, according to two individuals familiar with the arrangement. [snip]

The diverted park fees represent just a fraction of the extra costs the government faces as a result of the event, which will include displays of military hardware, flyovers by an array of jets including Air Force One, the deployment of tanks on the Mall and an extended pyrotechnics show. By comparison, according to former Park Service deputy director Denis P. Galvin, the entire Fourth of July celebration on the Mall typically costs the agency about $2 million.  (our emphasis)
So when you take your family to a national park this summer and you notice the results of an $11 billion backlog in maintenance and repair work, remember who's adding to that rather than fixing it, and for what purpose.

We await the final tally of the costs associated with this narcissist's paean to himself =cough= $20 million =cough=, but the sight of tanks in the streets of Washington, DC, as part of his ego trip reinforces the chilling message he's sent in the past -- that he considers the Armed Forces "my military."  So far, the brass has slow- walked but ultimately caved to Rump's demands, whether it was sending troops to the southern border or playing along with his = pewpewpew!= "Space Force, " etc.  (When democracy is truly on the line, as it may very well be after the 2020 election, we'll see if Rump's military is willing to obey an unlawful, treasonous order.)

For now, we can only hope the storms that are forecast for the 4th arrive just in time to rain on Rump's parade.  (A well- placed lightning bolt, and we might believe there is a God.)


Two. Static. Tanks.  Bwahahaha!  Still two more than there should be, but good for whoever pushed back!

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