Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Majority Says Trump's Racist Tweets "Un-American," "Offensive"

A clear majority of Americans say the racist tweets of malignant pustule Donald "Rump" Trump are "un-American":
A clear majority of Americans say President Donald Trump's tweets targeting four minority congresswomen were "un-American," according to a new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll. But most Republicans say they agreed with his comments, an illustration of the nation's sharp partisan divide on issues of patriotism and race. 
More than two-thirds of those aware of the controversy, 68%, call Trump's tweets offensive. Among Republicans alone, 57% say they agree with tweets that told the congresswomen to go back to the countries "from which they came," and a third "strongly" agree with them. All four lawmakers are American citizens; three were born in the USA. [snip]
That said, the dispute could be costly for Trump among key voters in his bid for a second term. Three-fourths of the women polled call his tweets offensive. Independents, by more than 2-1, say the comments are "un-American." 
Overall, 59% call the president's tweets "un-American."  (our emphasis)
The hardcore racist, authoritarian base of the rotted out Trump Republican Party won't abandon their white nationalist hero. Neither will the craven Republican skunk officeholders, cowering in fear of the aforementioned base.  That's on their skeevy heads.  But apparently the majority of Americans still have some moral compass and sense of decency.  And they know an unfit, degenerate, un- American "president" when they see one.

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