Saturday, July 6, 2019

Neo-Fascist Rally In DC Today [UPDATED]

Another "Unite The Right"-style rally is anticipated for today in downtown Washington, DC, although the number of brownshirts expected varies from dozens to a handful. Some far-right clowns will be attending, protesting their banning from social media for hate speech. The loser street thugs calling themselves "Proud Boys" have pledged to be there looking for a fight with counter-protesters who will be kept a couple of blocks away by Metropolitan Police.

There are factions within the so-called "alt-Right" movement, as pathetic losers with nothing else going for them vie for prominence among their peers. The latest tempest to roil them is a charge by far-right Rethuglican Omar Navarro that his former girlfriend was doing cocaine and having sex with multiple members of the Proud Boys, who seem to have difficulty with normal male-female relationships as well as with their own penises. Several featured "speakers" at the rally have pulled out, including social media morons Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec.

Rain is forecast for the DC area today, as on the fourth of July. We smell another Trump-style FAIL with this rally.

UPDATE: Looks like the counter protesters well outnumbered the neo-fascists, including the Proud Sad Boys.