Saturday, July 13, 2019

Pence Gets A Rude Awakening On Border

Bootlicking, Bible-banging hypocrite Mike "Dense" Pence wanted to have a safe photo op yesterday when he toured Border Patrol detention concentration camps in Texas. Instead, Pence was confronted by hundreds of immigrants penned up in sweltering cages in McAllen, TX some for 40 days with nothing more than a concrete floor to sleep on. Initially, Pence visited a newer, cleaner camp at Donna, TX that he hoped would give a false impression of the conditions immigrants are kept in.

Pence appears to have stepped on his master's message when he described the overcrowding at the facilities:
“'That’s the overcrowding President Trump has been talking about. That’s the overwhelming of the system that some in Congress have said was a manufactured crisis,' Pence said during a news conference after visiting the second facility. 'But now I think the American people can see this crisis is real.'

Pence’s comments were at odds with recent statements from Republicans, as well as Trump, who have accused Democrats who have visited similar facilities of exaggerating the poor conditions. Trump earlier Friday called recent media reports and comments from Democrats about poor conditions 'phony.'(our emphasis)
Deceitful hack that he is, Pence tried to shift the blame to Congressional Democrats for the conditions at the camps, despite Rethuglican opposition in the Senate to meaningful immigration reform and humanitarian aid, and his own master's "zero tolerance" policy. It's noteworthy that he was not given a tour of facilities holding young children separated from their families.

This is what's being done by the Trump regime in America's name, and it's disgusting.

BONUS:   Here's embedded video (also note slick little weasel Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham hustling to get into the shot at about 0:24, with Pence and Sen. Mike Lee (N-UT)) --

 BONUS II: Pence says he spoke to families who told him they were "being well cared for." What would you expect them to say in the presence of their jailers and Trump's deputy? These families come from authoritarian countries where you don't criticize the military or police.

(photo: Pence scowls at all the brown people who haven't showered in weeks. NBC News photo)


  1. I love how the Trump Party, when confronted with hard facts and undeniable evidence, immediately stops denying that the problem exists and switches over to blaming Democrats for the problem.

    No wait, I don't love it at all. I hate that they do it every time and their followers believe them.

    They are all cruel liars and Pence is the biggest hypocrite of them all.

  2. donnah -- So true. He makes me sick to see his pious, unctuous face.
