Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pic Of The Day (UPDATED)

Look closely at the Presidential seal that was displayed at Tuesday's right- wing Turning Point USA student young dolts summit.  A clever saboteur (or a nitwit organizer) replaced the real seal with the one pictured here, which has a two- headed eagle (like Russia's national symbol) holding a set of golf clubs rather than arrows.  It suits him well.


UPDATE:  FOB donnah noted another jibe embedded in the seal (see comments).  Good eye!

UPDATE II:  Here's a close- up of the "seal."

(Photo:  Jonathan Ernst/ Reuters)


  1. There's more:

    “The great seal appears to say “45 ES UN TITERE” which is Spanish and translated to “45 is a puppet” rather than e plurbus unum”



  2. That is brilliant!!! Well played!!!
