Thursday, July 25, 2019

Republicans Block Election Security Bills In Senate

Because of course they would:
Senate Republicans blocked two election security bills and a cybersecurity measure on Wednesday in the wake of former special counsel Robert Mueller warning about meddling attempts during his public testimony before congressional lawmakers. 
Democrats tried to get consent to pass two bills that would require campaigns to alert the FBI and Federal Election Commission about foreign offers of assistance, as well as a bill to let the Senate Sergeant at Arms offer voluntary cyber assistance for personal devices and accounts of senators and staff.
Even reporting foreign offers of assistance, something that should be non- controversial, is too much for the rotted- out Republican Party to handle.

A month ago, the House passed the Securing America's Federal Elections Act, which would have provided funds to States to secure their Federal elections systems and security.  Virtually every single Republican in the House voted against it.  Imminent threat Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell (R- Putin's Pocket) refused to bring it to the Senate floor for a vote.

They want the meddling, they're soliciting it, they can't win without it.

BONUS:  I believe we have a new nickname for McConnell --


  1. Ever since ROB georgia stole Max Clelands seat the thuglicans have been the beneficiaries of the electoral "REd shift" of approx. 5% of vote changing between last poll and exit polls and final vote count.
    The number of these shifts make them a statisical impossibility.
    Now that the russians seemed to have found the back door to the voting machines that the thugs have been using they would rather put the country at risk rather then surrender their illegal hacks that they have used to seize and maintain power.
    That is why they are opposed to any election security.

  2. Anon -- that's how they do it. The Diebold machines used in many states were purposely jiggered to allow tampering by Rethugs, and the company was so discredited it had to change its name (but not necessarily its practices) to Premier Election Solutions. Thanks for offering some additional clarity.
