Saturday, July 20, 2019

Trump's Charade With Persecuted Refugees

Last week, sociopath and bigot Donald "Shithole Countries" Trump staged an awkward photo op in the Oval Office with survivors of religious persecution and sex trafficking from around the world. Trump showed his complete ignorance of the background to their stories and lack of empathy with their experiences. In one exchange with 2018 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad, Trump seemed far less interested in why she was there than the fact that she won the Nobel Prize:
"Trump also noted that Murad received a Nobel Prize, but asked her to explain why she had been given the prestigious international award.

'For, after all this happened to me, I didn't give up,' she said. 'I made it clear to everyone that ISIS raped thousands of Yazidi women. This was the first time a woman from Iraq she get out, and she spoke about what happened.'

'Oh really, is that right?' Trump replied. 'So you escaped?'"
Yes, dumbass, she escaped, that's why she's standing next to you; try to keep up. He also asked her where her family was right after she told him they were all dead. It's clear he is disinterested, and can't wait for the photo-op with all these minority people to end. First, though, he wants to know what Murad did to win the Nobel Prize. That's something that his envied nemesis President Obama won, but something that he'll never, ever receive, despite efforts by multiple sycophants, like Japanese Prime Minister Abe to curry favor with the narcissistic buffoon. It's always about him.

Trump also seemed unaware of the persecution of the Rohingya people by the Myanmar military dictatorship, a story that's been covered extensively over the past several years. Perhaps that's because, 1. they're brown people from shithole countries, and....well, there is no 2.

BONUS: This charade was on the heels of the Trump regime's malignant announcement that they were considering banning all refugees from the U. S. next year (an election year of course). That'll get you nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize from your red cap cult.

(photo: Murad, left, with a clearly bored Trump)


  1. The braindead tub of yellow lard sat on his fat ass and practically dozed off during her plea for aid. He was not listening to anything she said, as evidenced by his asking where her family is now, just after she explained that they had been murdered. Disgusting.

    She said that ISIS has been eradicated and that is the only thing he heard, so look for that in his next public address: “I vanquished ISIS, which Obama could not do.”

    And he was intrigued that she had won the Nobel Prize, his most desired goal. Of course, he has not a glimmer of peace, honor, or courage in him, while she is the epitome of those qualities. He is an abomination, disgrace, and endless source of embarrassment for our country.

  2. That photo says it all.
