Neo-fascist demagogue and racist Donald "Rump" Trump's Nuremburg-style rally last night in Greenville, NC brought out his red cap cult to shout "send her back" when Rep. Ilhan Omar's name was mentioned. Trump has been tripling down on his racist tweets from Sunday, in which he told four American citizens (three native born) who are Members of Congress to go back where they came from.
In contradiction to the Beltway media trope that Trump's red cap cultists suffered from "economic anxiety" when they voted for him in 2016, some select quotes from attendees should put that to rest once and for all:
“'Islam is not a real religion,' Bud “Wizzard” Harrell, a 61-year-old resident of Bear Grass, North Carolina, stated falsely. 'It’s a religion of wars is what it is. Read the [Quran]. I’ve read a little bit. [ed. Sure you have, goober] All I’ve seen is hateful stuff in there, vile, hateful stuff.'
'And also I see, just like what’s happening to Europe, they’re trying to do here: invade our country and get enough people in to have voting power to take over and control our country, and that’s what it is, an invasion.'"Here's another gem:
"Brian Innis, a military veteran from Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, said he supported Trump’s 2016 proposal to ban all Muslims — 1.7 billion people — from entering the U.S.Sixty-two years ago in Little Rock, Arkansas, groups of fearful and ignorant white supremacists shouted "go back to Africa" at nine African-American teens who were desegregating Central High School. Trump's rallies are populated with the same type of people, and they have to be denounced for what they are: racists and religious bigots.
'Hardly no terror attacks being performed in the world by Christians,' Innis stated, incorrectly. 'I wouldn’t say it’s called profiling, but you have to direct the issue where it’s coming from, and that’s where it’s stemming from.'” [ed. guess he missed the Oklahoma City bombing, the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, the New Zealand mass shooting, etc., etc.]
BONUS: Some Rethuglicans, and now laughably Trump, are backtracking from the chants of "send her back." The Rethugs can't gaslight us on this because this is who they are and will continue to be. Will Trump's red cap cult will feel betrayed by Trump's disavowal? Of course not, it's who they are.
BONUS II: The madness of women at the NC rally going ape over the credibly- accused rapist and sexual predator:

(top photo: Photo montage of Trump's economically anxious followers; bottom bottom-dweller photo: Kevin Lamarque, Reuters)
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