Saying it again: Stop hyping/don't expect too much from Mueller testimony. He had the opportunity for two years to rock the world...and the facts with which to do it...and he repeatedly chose not to. He won't do this week what he's refused to do since he became special counsel.— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) July 21, 2019
When former Special Counsel Robert Mueller appears before Congress next week, it will be up to the Dem members to elevate the main findings from the report (Russia connections and obstruction), and to get Mueller's assessment of Trump's criminal actions on the record (e.g., as a former prosecutor, were Trump not President, would you have indicted him?). Here are some questions that might / should be posed to Mueller.
Given Mueller's reluctance to testify, he could -- but shouldn't -- be treated as a hostile witness by Dems; the Rethug members will see to the task of smearing him and the report in defending their cult leader.
Maybe the Republican smearing/questioning will piss him off enough that he goes, "Oh yeah, how about this..."
ReplyDeletebluzdude -- I predict the Rethugs will do something stupid to backfire on them. They'll focus on their dossier-style conspiracies and twist themselves in knots.