Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Sexual Predator Trump

As Bassett reminds us in the linked article,
In total, and not counting the young Jane Doe who rescinded her lawsuit, more than 20 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct so far, and many of them have produced witnesses and corroborators. Five have produced at least two witnesses. He denies all of the allegations, but his own recorded statements suggest he does regularly engage in this pattern of behavior.

And how quickly we are numbed to the horrors perpetrated by this monster:

There's a pervasive rot in this country that starts with The Monster and his party of predators, enablers, liars, hypocrites, bigots, ciphers and traitors. The rot -- such as the normalization of aberrant, criminal behavior -- will be a hallmark of these times and this regime, and will be forever associated with our country no matter how much time lapses after these pigs are gone.


  1. Let's NOT forget the photos of Daddy Dearest with a young Ivanka sitting on his lap. She was, what, about, 13,14? I remember 3 exactly. YUCK. Not much is talked about these.
    I'm sure the trumpbots thought nothing of these. Loving daddy, blah, blah, blah, BLECHT!!
    AM I wrong???

  2. FM -- as long as he hates the same people they do, they'll never abandon him. Let's hope there are still enough other people out there with a "conscience"/ sense of right and wrong that can still win elections.
