Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Confidence Man

So much laughing, er, winning!


  1. My friends in Canada are appalled and embarrassed by Trump. When I'm there, I plead with them not to judge us by him, because most of us loathe him and wish he had never been elected. They are sympathetic for the most part, but they hate what he's done to our reputation and global friendships.

    We have to keep fighting this monstrosity of a party and Trump himself. He's blowing up every alliance, every treaty, every commercial trade deal we've had for years and even decades. It will be a monumental task to regain even part of those valuable alliances.

  2. donnah -- I think most people in the world who follow the news know how much and how strong is the opposition to Trump. But what Trump has revealed is that, yes, it can happen here, just as it has to other countries that have succumbed to would- be despots. That's something that can never be erased.
