Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Civility Or Hypocrisy? Christie's New "Institute"

Former New Jersey Governor and poster boy for loudmouth bullying Chris "Krispykreme" Christie is launching a non-profit "institute" whose goal is to (wait for it).....bring civility to our political discourse. (Pause for extended laughter).

Before demagogic bully and liar Donald "Rump" Trump arrived on the political scene, Christie was the most aggressively hostile and polarizing political hack, even getting the endorsement of radical right-wing shrieker (M)Ann Coulter prior to the 2012 Rethuglican primaries. As a lame duck Governor, he infamously extended his middle finger to New Jerseyans two years ago when he took a beach vacation on State park beaches that were closed to the public due to budget cuts. There was also the matter of the Fort Lee lane closure scandal, where Christie used his office to retaliate against a Dem mayor who declined to endorse him. Civilitay!

For a sampling of Christie's civility, Mother Jones put together a collection of some of his notorious moments (and this only goes up to January 2014!). That collection should be played on a screen in the entrance to his fundraising scam "institute," along side a large poster with the dictionary definition of "hypocrisy."

(photo: Mr. Civility at the 2016 Rethuglican convention)


  1. Republicans = Hypocrisy


  2. donnah -- We thought this story was particularly hilarious, given Christie's obvious lack of civility in his political career. He'd just as well have opened a physical fitness business.
