Monday, August 26, 2019

Did Trump Lie Again To Juice The Markets?

After last week's stock market crash due to bungling con man Donald "The Chosen One" Trump's reckless tariff escalation against Chinese goods, Trump is eager to see the markets rebound this morning and to see talk of a re-election- threatening recession subside. Signaling re- engagement with China on trade and tariffs would calm the markets after last week's debacle, so he claimed that Chinese officials had called twice in a bid to re-open trade talks:
“China called last night our top trade people and said ‘let’s get back to the table.’ They have been hurt very badly, but they understand this is the right thing to do and I have great respect for it."
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said he was unaware of any such phone conversations. Treasury Secretary and former vulture capitalist Steve Mnuchin claimed that Chinese Vice Premier Liu He had called for resumed talks, but was likely referring to Liu's remarks at a technology conference rather than a direct call to the Trump regime.

If Wall Street is gullible enough to take everything that a pathological liar has to say at face value [Spoiler alert: judging from today's early Dow Jones activity, they are!], then they should take responsibility along with him after he's conned them.


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