Landing today in Biarritz, France for the G7 meeting, neo-fascist demagogue and bungler Donald "The Chosen One" Trump will try to bully his counterparts and paper over his economic failures resulting from his trade policies and his disastrous tax giveaway to billionaires which produced no boost to the economy. After several past meetings of the G7, these leaders see Trump as a reckless, unstable buffoon, whose word cannot be trusted.
In order to get a "win" for himself out of the summit, Trump has arranged for a session on the "global economy" where he is expected to hold forth on his "America First" agenda and compare economic records to Europe's (leaving aside the fact that he inherited a good, growing economy from President Obama). The Washington Post's Greg Sargent explains:
"With President Trump set to attend the Group of Seven this weekend, it’s already emerging that he has 'shaken up' the schedule. Trump has called for a special meeting focused on the global economy, where he’ll tout his message about jobs and trade, while contrasting the stupendous Trump economy with Europe’s economic struggles."Of course, Trump's regime is in panic mode over the growing signs of a recession at home caused by his reckless and ill-timed trade wars:
"This juxtaposition, between Trump’s planned public display at the G-7 and his advisers’ private economic terrors, is striking. It shows that Trump’s appearance will in reality demonstrate that the very nationalist agenda he will be touting is, thus far, a record of deep fraudulence and failure, covered up with lies. It’s important to appreciate just how heavily Trump’s political mystique relies on the constant middle finger he gives to allies and international leaders. It’s central to the story he told in 2016 and the one he’ll tell in 2020." (our emphasis)Legendary for his laziness and refusal to read even the simplest briefing papers, Trump will plod through the G7 sessions, bored and drifting as in the past. He'll rail against imaginary slights by his counterpart countries and magnify petty grievances when he's not slipping away to tweet about them. Despite our allies' mighty efforts to cater to his sociopathy, he'll succeed at embarrassing the U.S. and in further damaging our relations, much to the delight of his handler in Moscow whom Trump wishes were at the summit to commiserate with.