After the recent massacres in El Paso and Dayton, sociopath and white nationalist leader Donald "Rump" Trump has made insincere noises about expanding background checks when purchasing firearms. He did the same thing after the massacre at Margery Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL last year. As with last year's tragedy, the despicable leader of the National
"NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre spoke with Trump on Tuesday after the president expressed support for a background check bill and told him it would not be popular among Trump’s supporters, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely discuss internal talks. LaPierre also argued against the bill’s merits, the officials said."LaPierre need not worry too much about Trump, when Massacre Mitch McConnell controls legislation in the Senate, and is addicted to NRA money for himself and his corrupt colleagues. This despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans want universal background checks for gun purchases.
Speaking of NRA money, we noted another story about the spending habits of the deeply corrupt LaPierre, which have roiled the cash-strapped NRA and its leadership. Right after the Parkland massacre, LaPierre wanted the NRA to purchase a $6 million, 10,000 square foot mansion in a gated community on a lake in Westlake, TX, claiming that he and his wife needed a more secure residence after public outrage over the massacre:
"The couple wanted to secure a social membership at the exclusive golf club in the gated community, the messages show. They also sought the purchase of two vehicles and to keep the current owner’s “golf cart if possible,” according to one email. One aspect of the property that concerned Susan LaPierre was the lack of space in the men’s closet of the master bedroom, the emails show." (our emphasis)LaPierre is notorious for his lavish spending on his personal wardrobe, which is in line with his imperial view of what's owed him. That's something that rank-and-file NRA members should remember when they pay their dues.
BONUS: A Republican congresscoward from Ohio with an A+ NRA score has a change of heart on gun control after his daughter is nearly caught in the Dayton carnage:
In the wee hours of Sunday morning, [Rep. Mike] Turner’s daughter and a family friend had just entered the Tumbleweed Connection bar in Dayton when a gunman opened fire across the street. [snip]
On Tuesday afternoon, Turner announced that he’s had a change of heart on gun control. He said he would vote for an assault weapons ban, limits on the size of gun magazines and for a federal “red flag” law that would make it easier to “quickly identify people who are dangerous” so their firearms can be taken away. [snip]
Why didn’t Turner think it was a “catalyst” for change when other people’s children had to run for their lives in cities that weren’t in his congressional district? It’s been 20 years since Columbine, with increasingly frequent and deadly mass shootings in places like Orlando, Las Vegas, Blacksburg, Va., Newtown, Conn., and Charleston, S.C.The selfish, destructive Party of Me.
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