Friday, August 16, 2019

Melissa McEwan's "End Of This Road"

We want to note that one of our stalwart progressive bloggers has decided she's ending her blog, "Shakesville" (nee "Shakespeare's Sister") effective immediately.  Melissa McEwan has been commenting on cultural, political and social justice issues from a progressive, feminist perspective for nearly 15 years, which, as she has said, has taken a psychological and physical toll on her.  The blog will now exist as an archive of the writings of those 15 years.

We're very sad to see the loss of this strong voice at this dark time in our history, but we wish her health and happiness in the future, because that's what's really important, and it's what she deserves.  Slàinte mhath!


  1. I followed Melissa's blog for years and I'm sorry to see it end. She's a smart and compassionate woman, but this political environment and the loss of her beloved cats was more than she could bear.

    Godspeed, dear one!

  2. donnah -- a voice as true and consistent as hers can't be replaced. We wish her well as we "stay calm and carry on."

  3. Gee, Hackies, please stay around! I need you, we all need you more than ever!
