Wednesday, August 7, 2019

More Complicity From Princess Ivanka

In a laughable attempt to draw attention away from her racist daddy's role in inspiring the El Paso shooter, who took 22 lives last weekend, Trump crime family princess Ivanka "Complicit" Trump thought a tweet would work:

It shouldn't surprise us that she's ever eager to protect and please her daddy by pointing to the "inner city" of Chicago (why are the dogs barking?) and its bloody weekend as a distraction from his part in inciting violence. With her daddy's inherited dishonesty, she also manages to lie about the event she describes: 7 weren't killed near a playground, it was the weekend total for Chicago, etc. She ignores the fact that the El Paso and Dayton massacres were carried out by young white males -- one with a clear xenophobic, white nationalist/ Trumpian agenda -- with assault rifles that her daddy refuses to curb. 

Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot saw the diversionary nonsense that the princess was spewing and had a sharp rejoinder:
“It wasn’t a playground, it was a park. It wasn’t seven dead. It wasn’t 52 wounded in one incident, which is what this suggests. It’s misleading. It’s important when we’re talking about people’s lives to actually get the facts correct, which one can easily do if you actually cared about getting it right...That’s the danger of somebody with a platform and audience … that doesn’t know what they’re talking about and getting the fundamental facts wrong that they can easily figure out if they had the decency to actually reach out to us if they wanted to be a constructive and engaged partner.”
Not knowing what they're talking about is part of the Trump brand, along with bigotry and lying. She needs to focus on how she's going to escape criminal liability for her involvement in various Trump Organization scams and money laundering.

(photo: "Baby help me out on the massacre stuff. By the way, if you weren't my daughter, I'd be dating you.")

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