Friday, August 16, 2019

No Sale

Among the myriad nonsensical things we're heard narcissistic sociopath and con man Donald "Rump" Trump say or wish for over the past few years, his expressed desire to buy Greenland from Denmark has to be one of the top contenders. Sadly, for the Very Stable Genius, he doesn't have a seller.

Greenland has already given the U.S. generous access to its territory for military bases, etc., so why would Trump want to buy it? Oh, we see.



  1. Now that their glaciers are melting away, Greenland is the perfect place for a Trump beach resort/golf course!

    It's not clear to me: does Trump want to buy Greenland for the US or for himself? Is he dreaming of the world's largest private island?

  2. maxk1947 -- He could never afford to buy it. Our guess is that it's about his desire to say the U.S. bought the world's biggest island on his watch. It's always about him.
