Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pic Of The Day: Sitting Room Only (UPDATED)

Racist and misogynist Rep. Steve King (Nutcase-IA) held a town hall meeting in Grundy Center, Iowa last Wednesday, and two people showed up.

Last week, the extremist King said openly what many Rethugs think privately:
"What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?"
The only good thing is that he's become the symbol of Rethuglicanism in Iowa, and it could cost them at the ballot box.

UPDATE:  It turns out, one of the attendees was a King intern and the other was a Democrat who attended out of a sense of civic duty.  Bwahahaha.


  1. Maybe saying it again here but - - - -

    The county I was born in , in '016 went 75/25 for trumper and this pos king. Not quite as many voted for him in '018.

    I don't give a shit the ones that did are Nazi's and white supremacists and that includes relatives. Thre is NO pass on shit like this!

    Visit's back have been over with for some time now.

  2. One Fly -- There are / were a few of those in our Midwest families, too. No pass is right.
