Thursday, August 22, 2019

QOTD -- All-American Anti-Fascism

"...can we acknowledge that the ideals of American anti-fascism — that the first green shoots of a hate-fueled, authoritarian society need to be not tolerated but tamped down and crushed before it gets to be too late — were forged in blood in places like Normandy and Iwo Jima and enshrined in the slogan, 'Never Again!'?

Fascism has been defined historically as an all-encompassing, totalitarian state with a cult of personality around a dictatorial leader, with increasing militarism amid a regime of violence and the stifling of dissent. You’d think nothing could be more American than to be called an 'anti-fascist.'"
-- Will Bunch, The Philadelphia Inquirer, in an essay on "Antifa" and what it means to be "anti- fascist" today in America.

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