Monday, August 12, 2019

"Racial States Of America": Racists' Latest Dream

There's long been a desire in the far-right, neo-Nazi fever swamps to carve out a seperate area for whites to settle, namely the Pacific northwest. States like Idaho and Oregon have seen an influx of neo-Nazi and right wing militia types over the past 20 years, establishing compounds and homesites there. But now, feeling emboldened by the rhetoric and actions of their unhinged, racist leader in the Oval Office, and aided by malign support of the Russian Federation, white supremacists are talking more about racially separate "territories" replacing the U.S.:
"Over the past few years, though, the notion of state fracture and racial reorganization, may have gained credence among far-right voices and backers have been finding support from the highest ranks of the American government. [snip] Having someone as outwardly racist and sympathetic to white nationalist rhetoric in power as President Trump in some ways mitigates the push for outright state fracture. So long as Trump remains ensconced in Washington, the ludicrous notion of territorial reordering in the United States remains at bay." (our emphasis)
Historically a hotbed of secessionist talk, Texas has its group of far-right loons who want to secede from the U.S., and they have Russia's support, support that goes back years. For Russia, it's attempted payback for the disintegration of the Soviet Union (which Vladimir Putin laments):
"Since the breakup of the Soviet Union two decades ago, many Russians have come to blame the United States for their plight; a seething resentment over U.S. culpability in the loss of Russian national power is one of the reasons Vladimir Putin is so popular. It has only worsened since the United States has led an international effort to isolate and sanction Moscow over its annexation of Crimea and incursions into eastern Ukraine. Thus, over the past 15 months there has been a sudden, bizarro uptick of Russian interest in and around the American Southwest, most notably Texas, where secessionist sentiment never seems to entirely die out (TNM’s predecessor group, the 'Republic of Texas,' disbanded after secessionist militants took hostages in 1997). In a rehash of the Soviet Union’s fate, numerous Russian voices have taken to envisioning an American break-up, E Pluribus Unum in inverse—out of one, many." (our emphasis)
Russia hasn't confined itself to red state mischief. They've also been caught promoting the secession of California, as bizarre as that seems.

With Russia's serious economic and corruption problems, along with restive communities within it, and things that go "boom," it would seem advantageous to the U.S. to play the same game, were it not for a Russian asset soiling the White (Supremacist) House. Ironically, it may be after Putin's eventual exit that we'll see Russia's implosion triggered by an artificial collection of ethnic populations desiring to go their own way.

1 comment:

  1. As to Texas (or other regions) seceding from the US, it might help to circulate this. These doofuses have a tendency to not think things through.

    I hope Eltsov is right and Russia will eventually become too bogged down dealing with internal secessionists to go on causing trouble for the rest of the world. I'm not buying a secessionist movement in Siberia, though. If the Russian military ever pulled out of Siberia, it would be only a matter of time before the Chinese military marched in.
