Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trump Sides With Kim Over Our Ally Japan

At the G7 summit in Biarritz, France earlier today, demagogue and fan of tyrants Donald "The Chosen One" Trump met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and was asked about the latest medium-range missile launches by the tyrannical regime of North Korea. Reminiscent of his disgraceful kowtowing to Russian thug Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last year, Trump defended North Korea's missile provocation, despite the clear threat it poses to not only Japan but South Korea:
"Trump, who prizes his relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, said the launches did not violate an agreement and were in line with what others were doing.

'He hasn’t been doing nuclear testing. He has done short range, much more standard missiles. A lot of people are testing those missiles, not just him,' Trump said. [snip] 'I’m not happy about it, but again, he’s not in violation of an agreement.'” (our emphasis)
Abe had to correct him by noting that North Korea's missile launches were a violation of UN resolutions which also imposed sanctions on the brutal regime. No doubt Trump would love to drop those sanctions in exchange for empty gestures and another grip-and-grin with dictator Kim Jong Un.  Kim has played Trump completely through a series of flattering letters, prompting Trump to declare at one of his Nuremberg rallies that he and Kim "fell in love."

Our dangerous national embarrassment continues.

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