Saturday, August 3, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Melting Away

That's almost 72 degrees Fahrenheit.  In Greenland.  Meanwhile, here's Trump's dimbulb new U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.:


  1. da new merca

    dumb as a fence post like every one of the others

    sucking the hind teat once again

  2. This isn't doable in reality, but I wish there were some way of requiring that high government officials have taken at least a few basic classes in science and engineering so their thinking would have some grounding in reality. Anyone who knows the science can tell that Craft doesn't have the foggiest idea what she's talking about. It's an embarrassment to the country.

    The current German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, wrote her PhD dissertation on the role of quantum mechanics in the radioactive decay of uranium. We keep electing people who can't pronounce "nuclear". I loathe Merkel but I'm sure she understands the science of climate change, or at least pays attention to advisers who do.

  3. One Fly & Infidel -- it also so happens her third marriage is to a coal baron and they both donate heavily to Moscow Mitch. Beyond the willful ignorance, she's a typically self- serving Republican sociopath!
