Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Back To School, Never To Return?

This new ad from Sandy Hook Promise is an utterly chilling reminder that parents across the nation are terrified by the prospect the their child might go off to school and be a victim of a mass shooting.
Mass shooting drills are replacing fire drills / duck and cover drills as a "normal" way of life, and that's disgraceful and unacceptable. You can lay that on the doorstep of the corrupt and dangerous Republican Party.


donnah said...

I cried. It's that moving.

Having just seen what mass shootings look like in my own city, I know what that fear feels like. My adult son could easily have been killed in a mass shooting and whether it happens in a school, church, movie theater, or public event matters not. We have to keep putting pressure on our local and national leaders to stop the gun lovers from making the rules. We need to make the rules now.

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- This is the reality in America today, and it has to change, starting with background checks and banning assault rifles and taking down the NRA and their coin-operated Republican politicians.