Friday, September 27, 2019

Former National Security And Foreign Policy Officials Support Impeachment Inquiry

The Washington Post reports this morning:
More than 300 former U.S. national security and foreign policy officials have signed a statement warning that President Trump’s actions regarding Ukraine are a “profound national security concern” and supporting an impeachment inquiry by Congress to determine “the facts.”
“To be clear, we do not wish to prejudge the totality of the facts or Congress’ deliberative process,” said the statement, released Friday. “At the same time, there is no escaping that what we already know is serious enough to merit impeachment proceedings.”
“As national security professionals, many of us have long been concerned with President Trump’s actions and their implications for our safety and security,” the statement said. “Some of us have spoken out, but many of us have eschewed politics throughout our careers and, as a result, have not weighed in publicly.
“The revelations of recent days, however, demand a response,” it said. “. . . President Trump appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite additional foreign interference into our democratic processes.”
The statement continued: “If we fail to speak up — and act — now our foreign policy and national security will officially be on offer to those who can most effectively fulfill the President’s personal prerogatives.”  (our emphasis)
That last sentence should be taken to heart by everyone who has served or is serving in our national security and foreign policy apparatus, or anywhere in our federal government for that matter.  Let's reduce it down:  the amoral clown in the Oval Office is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.  If you didn't know it or believe it before, you must certainly know it now.  Do what's right.

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