Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ingraham May Have Reached Peak Moron

Here's Fux's wingnut shrieker and laff riot Laura Ingraham on her sad show Friday, trying to "own the libs" by sucking on a plastic straw stuck in a steak that has incandescent light bulbs embedded. Get it? So subtle and clever. And they say right-wingers don't have a sense of humor!

If she really wanted to mock concerns about the environmental damage being done at the direction of demagogue and lying buffoon Donald "Hurricane Donnie" Trump, she should have been huffing some methane gas or sipping from a cup of water drawn from a polluted river. THAT would have been real showmanship! Give it a try next time.


  1. Good Lord, get that poor woman some help.

    FOX is always plumbing new depths of depravity, and Laura's gotta be front and center.

  2. donnah -- There's an awful meanness about her, too, almost like a sadist who enjoys hurting people (recall her ugly comments about the Parkland victims, for example).
