Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Is A Formal Impeachment Inquiry About To Be Announced? (UPDATED)

Is it on?  We'll find out after 4:00 Eastern time today:

After Rep. John Lewis took to the House floor to announce his support for an impeachment investigation, the writing was on the wall that Democrats are putting together a coordinated rollout of their investigation. An impeachment investigation does not mean that Trump will be impeached. It does mean that Trump’s game playing with congressional committees just became much more difficult. The impeachment select committee will have more tools at their disposal, and be looked upon more favorably by the courts.  [snip]
The Speaker will only officially say that there will be an announcement later this afternoon, but that announcement is expected to a formal impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump.
The floor speech by Rep. John Lewis is a tell.  Also a significant tipping point may have been reached when so- called moderate Democrats from swing districts that Speaker Pelosi has ostensibly been trying to protect have now come out in favor of impeachment.  The Trump regime's failure to turn over the intelligence officer's whistleblower complaint is likely to be the proximate line in the sand that will be cited as cause to begin a formal inquiry.  Stay tuned!

UPDATE:  Boom --

The Republican- led Senate Intelligence Committee is also asked for a meeting with the whistleblower for testimony no later than Friday in "a mutually agreeable secure location."

UPDATE II:   Trump's now saying he's going to release a complete and unredacted transcript of his call with the Ukrainian president tomorrow.  We'd trust the accuracy of that as far as we could toss Bill Barr.  Let's see the whistleblower complaint!


  1. These many times dumb shit Dims who can't play the game very well better be care they aren't being set up someway. This seems way too easy.

  2. One Fly -- in this case (especially now with the whistleblower wanting to testify) they may finally have stumbled into something they can't screw up. Only one way to find out.

  3. The Trump offer to release a transcript just proves that the transcript is useless. If he's willing to release it without a subpoena, it will be nothing worthwhile. It's another fake move by the administration to appear that they have nothing to hide,

    Forget the transcript. Focus on getting the whistleblower safely to testify.

  4. donnah -- exactly. It's the whistleblower complaint and his/her testimony that counts.
