Thursday, September 12, 2019

RNC: When Polls Go Low, We Go Hide Them

When your leader's poll numbers are so bad, but you want to make your local and statewide candidates think everything's OK, you do what the Republican National Committee is doing for mentally unstable narcissist and friend of tyrants Donald "The Chosen One" Trump: you hide them. ProPublica reported that critical data at the local level is being denied to Rethug politicians:
"President Trump’s poll numbers are so bad the Republican National Committee is hiding them from local candidates, leaving them in the dark in key must-win races.

In an extensive report on how the party has turned into the cult of Trump, ProPublica reports that critical 'voter scores' — sophisticated analytics based on polling that are distributed to party committees and candidates — have disappeared since Trump’s election. The lack of data leaves Republican candidates in the dark about how their districts feel about Trump.

Republican insiders told ProPublica that the numbers are being withheld to 'prevent GOP candidates from publicly distancing themselves from the president or leaking unfavorable results that embarrass Trump.'”
We can't have any distancing from Dear Leader now, can we? Or hurt his fragile feelings with bad polls. Actually, this boneheaded authoritarian behavior may ensure that many of these candidates lose their races, as they blindly support Trump and his policies, which may be unpopular in their city / county / State. That would be so rewarding.

BONUS: Speaking of Trump's lousy poll numbers, Bob Schooley has a thought.