Monday, September 16, 2019

Saudi Arabia, Trump Needs Instructions!

Mr. "Locked and Loaded" had something to say about the drone attack a few days ago on some Saudi oil facilities:

Draft dodging demagogue and would-be tough guy Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump is known for his empty bluster and tough talk up until his adversary plays him with a sweet letter or a flattering phone call. But in this instance, he's showing his hand by claiming to rely on the Saudi regime's intelligence to determine the "culprit" (the Houthi rebels have already claimed credit), and, pathetically, how to proceed. He's willing to let his BFF and murderous thug Crown Prince Mohammed "Bone Saw" bin Salman call the shots, which could put U.S. servicemen's lives in harms way. Outsourcing responsibility for what could be war between us and a hostile Iran to the corrupt Saudis seems like a departure from "America First," although it would be "America Alone" when it comes to our allies joining the fight.

Yet another example why national security policy by reckless tweet is endangering us.


1 comment:

  1. It's insane. We are teetering on global apocalypse and we have an over-dyed, straw-headed idiot at the wheel. Lord help js.
