Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Trump And The "Lincoln Card"

Sidney Blumenthal has written an op-ed piece for the Washington Post this morning, and neatly captures the modern history of the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Trumpian Party:
"President Trump extemporaneously speaks about Abraham Lincoln as if he were his rival. He has boasted that his poll numbers are greater than Lincoln’s, though there were no opinion polls in the 19th century. He has invidiously compared Lincoln with one man he always casts as heroic and whose monuments he defends as sacrosanct: 'a great general,' Robert E. Lee.

And yet, to ward off criticisms of Trump’s bursts of racist rhetoric, Republican leaders reflexively play the Lincoln card. 'We are the party of Lincoln,' proclaimed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to shield Trump with the icon of the Great Emancipator.

But the party of Trump is the antithesis of the party of Lincoln, the culmination of a long realignment. Beginning in the 1960s, the party embraced a Southern strategy, forsaking the remnants of its Lincolnesque heritage in exchange for the principles of states’ rights and resistance to civil rights for African Americans previously associated with the neo-Confederate Dixiecrat wing of the Democratic Party. As a result, the Republican Party changed its identity and abandoned its original principles, becoming strikingly similar to the very opponents that roused Lincoln to resist in the beginning." (our emphasis)
The op-ed is well worth a reading. The parties most closely resembling the current authoritarian, cultish Rethuglican one would be a combination of George Wallace's American Independent Party pushing segregation and "states rights" starting in the late '60, and the 19th century's Know Nothing Party, a collection of extreme anti-immigrant reactionaries that faded out just before the Civil War. That's who they are, and for our democracy to survive, they need to be defeated not just in 2020, but going forward.

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