Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trump Disses Kushner On Criminal Justice Reform

As his miserable and amateurish effort to craft a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority failed, inept Trump son-in-law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner took on a political lay up with criminal justice reform. There was bipartisan support to addressing sentencing and other facets of criminal justice, and Kushner got a bill through Congress for demagogue and bigot Donald "Rump" Trump's signature. Sadly for Master Jared, his daddy-in-law wasn't keen on the issue to begin with, because to his racist red cap cult it looks like favoring (cough minority) offenders in the prison system. He never addresses the reform on the Nuremberg rally circuit, and thinks it's a "loser" with his followers.

Poor Master Jared. He seems to be constantly set up by daddy-in-law for failure, as if to say to his lusted-after grifting daughter Ivanka "Moral Compass" Trump "see baby, he's not the success I am, and when I assign him something, he gets it wrong." This record of setting your son-in-law up for failure exposes Trump's dysfunctional and perverse relationship with his family, especially with his lusted-after daughter and her consort. It would be fine in the Trump crime organization, but it's another reason why nepotism and family drama are a disaster in Government.

(photo: Daddy-in-law issues)

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