Monday, September 30, 2019

Trump Suggests "Civil War" If He's Removed

As the impeachment inquiry accelerates, and new witnesses are expected to testify regarding Trump's extortion of Ukraine, sociopath and Kremlin asset Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump furiously tweeting unhinged attacks on his pursuers. Just hours ago, he went far beyond even his regular abnormal behavior (e.g., even going beyond his warning that the markets would crash if he's impeached), by quoting a corrupt supporter's view that his impeachment and removal would trigger a civil war:

Granted that the golden-calf worshiping Robert Jeffress is a fierce right-wing partisan hack using religious trappings, Trump's approving quotation of his sinister threat says everything about his cornered, burn-it-down Führer's bunker mentality. The pushback was swift and devastating:

A Republican congressman responds:
Again, there is no "bottom" to Trump's depravity and malignant narcissism.


  1. Trump's deliberate language is inflammatory and dangerous. He knows how obsessive and literal his stupid followers are and so when he discusses violence and encourages civil rebellion, he knows that they listen.

    It's horrifying.

  2. donnah -- He's getting more and more like a mob boss every day. His reckless language is going to get people hurt, like what happened in El Paso.
