Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trump Undercuts Rethug Senators On Wall Funding

Neo-fascist con man and xenophobic demagogue Donald "Cadet Bone Spurs" Trump's theft of $3.6 billion in Defense Department funds intended to upgrade 127 military facilities at home and abroad in order to fund his medieval vanity wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.  Trump's action  will have negative consequences for Rethug Senators up for reelection in 2020.  It once again demonstrates that for Cadet Bone Spurs loyalty is a one-way street. Sad!

Among the states losing construction funds because of Trump's unconstitutional diversion, and their Senators, are:
Arizona -- $30 million. Sen. Martha McSally.
Colorado -- $8 million. Sen. Cory Gardner.
Kentucky-- $62 million. Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell.
North Carolina -- $80 million. Sen. Thom Tillis.
South Carolina -- $11 million. Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry"      Graham.
Texas -- $48 million. Sen. John Cornyn.
May they all go down to defeat.

It's clear that upgrading the facilities serving our armed forces are not one of draft-dodging Cadet Bone Spurs' priorities. But when it comes time for a campaign photo op with our armed forces, he'll be there bellowing about their service and about how Dems don't respect them.