Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- What? Mexico ISN'T Paying For The Wall?!?

But service members and their families are?  The f*ck you say!

Those oldies but goodies --


  1. Anyone with a functioning brain knew from the campaign that Trump was never going to get Mexico to pay for the wall. It was a red meat banquet for Trump followers and while he doesn't claim that Mexico will pay anymore, he still brags about the wall being built. Again, his core voters don't care where the money comes from; they believe he's fulfilling his promise to Keep America White, and he's sticking it to the Dems, who Don't Love Freedom.

    He's determined to get his way, no matter how wrong he is or who gets hurt in the process. He sees it as being a wily businessman and outsmarting the Dems. He thinks he's entitled to do whatever he wants by virtue of his presidency. And no one seems able to stop him.

    Since we seem to be relegated to holding our breath and crossing our fingers until next November, there won't be much done to prevent his theft of funds, but we have to continue our opposition to his outlandish power plays.

  2. donnah -- studies have shown red hats react to Trump pretty much how you've described it. They like the chaos and the destructive lies because they think it rattles "the establishment." They're less concerned about the wall than Trump is; he sees it as not just a "promise kept," but as a lasting legacy, as something tangible that Mr. Builder can point to in the future along with his crappy hotels and golf resorts.
