Saturday, September 14, 2019

Twit Tweet Of The Day: Genius!

On Twitter this morning, sandwiched between a racist attack on MSNBC host Joy Ann Reid and some nonsense on vaping, mentally unstable demagogue and toilet tweeter Donald "The Chosen One" Trump had this to say, completely out of the blue and unprompted:

Thank you? Now he's hearing voices? We're surprised that he didn't convey that message with a Sharpie.

Every day, he does something to demonstrate that he's not well mentally or emotionally.


  1. Hey, Stable Genius, if you're the only one saying it and no one else says it about you, it's probably not true!

    You don't need to be a shrink to see that Trump is neither stable nor a genius.

  2. Of all Trump's despicable lies and actions, one would think his lying about what he did and where he was on 9/11 and the days afterward would be too much to swallow even for the deplorable. But, it isn't... So where does that leave us? If conservatives are willing to allow Trump to Steal Valor and pretend to be a 9/11 a hero is there any point in trying to persuade them about anything?
