Saturday, October 26, 2019

Back In (The U.S.S.R.) Russia

Covert Russian operative Maria Butina, jailed for failing to register as a foreign agent, arrived in Moscow earlier today after being released from a low-security prison in Florida. A purported "gun rights" activist, even though Russia has severe restrictions on gun ownership, Butina was sent to the U.S. to influence right-wing organizations and get them to adopt Russia-friendly stances, even if it meant sleeping around with the rubes. The National Rifle Rampage Association was her primary target as a conduit to other conservative organizations, and acted as a "foreign asset" to Russia, according to the recent Senate Finance Committee minority report on Russian interference in the 2016 elections to benefit Trump. Her principal handler, Russian banker Alexander Torshin who has close ties to the Kremlin, helped to steer millions of dollars into the NRA, which was a rabid supporter of Trump in 2016.

We're happy to see the likes of her returned to Putin's arms (no pun). But there's one fanboy of hers that pines away for her, and it's no surprise that he's a nerdy, right-wing Republican Congressman:

Siding with a covert agent of Russia, check. Criticizing imagined "Russiaphobia," a Kremlin talking point, check. No limits NRA supporter, check. It all checks out for the infatuated "Moscow Massie."

(photo: I show my gun, you show yours?)


  1. If I were Little Natasha Badinov, I'd hire a tea taster and stay off balconies. We let her off easy.

  2. donnah -- Russian intelligence will be interested in what she told the FBI, then she's disposable.
