Friday, October 18, 2019

QOTD: Earning Your Spurs

In the White (Supremacist) House meeting with Speaker Pelosi on October 16, draft- dodging Kremlin asset Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump called former Defense Secretary and Marine Corps General James Mattis "the world's most overrated general" after being told that Mattis said ISIS would resurge following Trump's betrayal of the Kurds.

Last night, at the annual Alfred E. Smith dinner in New York, Mattis clapped back, to hearty applause and laughter:
"I'm not just an overrated general. I’m the world’s greatest overrated general, I'm honored to be called that by Donald Trump, because he also called Meryl Streep an overrated actor. So I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals. [snip] I earned my spurs on the battlefield; Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor.
Perhaps Mattis will now feel unconstrained to open up about what he witnessed while serving in Trump's cabinet.

BONUS:  Another former senior officer is speaking out.  Admiral William McRaven (USN-Ret.) said in a New York Times op/ed that many in the military and special ops community believed America "was under attack from within."  McRaven was in command of the operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden.

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