Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Republican Thugs Stage "Brooks Brothers Riot 2.0" To Disrupt Impeachment Inquiry

Well, this happened:
On Wednesday, about 30 Republicans successfully got into the secure location in the Capitol basement where the impeachment inquiry is taking place, as a Pentagon official involved in overseeing the Ukraine aid in question was about to start testifying. They held up the hearing, bringing their phones and taking photos in what is supposed to be a secure location for classified information. And they tweeted about it a lot, making sure news cameras captured it all. Democrats were considering bringing in Capitol Police.
Unable to argue facts, the worst of the worst rotted- out Republican thugs in the House staged their disruptive "Brooks Brothers riot 2.0" today (supported and encouraged by Trump), to make an invalid point about process.  We're talking about some of the worst people ever to occupy space in Congress, Trump lapdogs like Reps. Matt "DUI" Gaetz, Louie "Screwie" Gohmert, Mark "Election Fraud" Walker, and Steve "David Duke Without Baggage" Scalise. These aren't "secret" hearings. Any Republican on one of the three committees involved in the hearing are free to attend;  it's these Trump cultist non- committee members who are barred due to longstanding House rules. But these are weasels who operate in bad faith as a matter of course, and they need to suffer consequences and not be allowed near the hearing room again. And why "consider" bringing in the Capitol Police?  Get it done, or expect more disruption and delay from these hacks.

Here's an explainer from a cybersecurity expert who knows about the secure room why this stunt was a serious breach of security:

You should take a few moments to read the entire thread. At least they left their tiki torches at home.

BONUS: Meanwhile, the body of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, the exact opposite of these neo-fascist thugs as someone with character, honesty, decency and patriotism, lay in repose at Morgan State University, an Historically Black College and University. There couldn't be a greater contrast.

BONUS II:  Hot off the presses --

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

BONUS III:  For anyone not familiar with the "Brooks Brothers Riot," here's a picture showing how, when they were counting the hanging chads in Florida in 2000, a "spontaneous outburst of the common people of Florida" came out to shut down the recount while Dumbya was marginally ahead (click to enlarge) --

(Attribution: Mrs. Betty Bowers)
(Photo:  Getty Images)


  1. Gaetz, Gym Jordan and the other usual suspects in action. Of course.

    I heard that Trump approved it in advance. Because of course he did. I wish he'd tell them to all jump off a cliff.

  2. This is beyond outrageous. I have no words. trump gave his OK on this. Excuses were made for reps having cellphones. National Security jeopardized again. What was the end goal for this ridiculous display of stupidity? They just showed the entire world what idiots they are. They all need to be named and shamed. As far as I'm concerned they are traitors. All republicans are traitors. All of them.

  3. donnah and anon -- they heeded Trump's call for Republicans to be "tougher"-- i.e., act out their thuggery. Any distraction, any delay will do in Trumpworld. It's all about living to deconstruct democracy another day.
