Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Russians Occupy Former U.S. Base

Up until Russian asset and sociopath Donald "Tovarich" Trump ordered the betrayal of allied Kurdish forces last week, the U.S. special forces occupied a base camp in Manbij, Syria. Today, that U.S. base is in the hands of Russian mercenary forces, as reported in Business Insider following its abandonment. The Russians are operating in support of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, Russia's client, after Turkish forces invaded northern Syria in pursuit of the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces. A potato-nosed Russian war correspondent shot a triumphant video of the camp's takeover, mocking the U.S.'s retreat and celebrating Russia's ascendance.

In all, it's everything that Moscow could have wished for: expanded influence in the Middle East, coupled with an ignominious abandonment of a U.S. ally. Trump couldn't have served his friends in Moscow better, while endangering our national security by reinvigorating ISIS:
"Trump's withdrawal of troops from Syria, and Turkey's subsequent incursion, has unleashed chaos in the region and displaced thousands of Kurds. Dozens of "high value" ISIS prisoners have escaped from detention, something that experts say could help the terrorist organization regroup."
If this doesn't show that Trump is a mortal threat to our national security, nothing will.

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