Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Reflection: Right Track

"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there." Humorist and social commentator Will Rogers.

It's vital that demagogue and lawless con man Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump be opposed and called out at every turn. As we move toward his inevitable impeachment for violations of the Constitution and for his corruption, keeping up the pressure on him and his Republican enablers is necessary to preserve what's left of our democracy.

But despite being on the "right track," we'll get run over if we don't channel our opposition into voting, and that means voting at every level of government. But before you can vote, you have to register, and some deadlines to register have already passed in some states. Here's a useful guide to the requirements in each state. Make sure you don't get run over.

BONUSThe Los Angeles Times has a powerful editorial today, leading off a series on the imperative of getting the malicious moron out of office.  Please go read it.