According to a new Washington Post - Schar School poll, a growing majority of Americans support the impeachment inquiry of delusional demagogue and Kremlin asset Donald "Unmatched Wisdom" Trump, with nearly half of Americans also supporting his removal from office.
By a margin of 58 to 38 percent, Americans support the impeachment inquiry launched by the House of Representatives, with 49 percent now favoring Trump's removal from office. The poll found that support for Trump's impeachment is gaining ground among Republicans and independents:
"More than 8 in 10 Democrats endorse the inquiry and nearly 8 in 10 favor a vote to recommend that Trump be removed from office. Among Republicans, roughly 7 in 10 do not support the inquiry but almost 3 in 10 do, and almost one-fifth of Republicans say they favor a vote recommending his removal. Among the critical voting bloc of independents, support for the impeachment inquiry hits 57 percent, with 49 percent saying the House should vote to remove Trump from office." (our emphasis)Trump's firewall is expected to be spineless Rethugs in the Senate, who are putting their own political careers and party above the country's national security. But if these trends continue, there could be more pressure on Rethug Senators in swing states to reconsider their positions. In addition, the decision by Trump to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria and abandon our Kurdish allies has resonated among his most loyal lackeys, who see his decision benefiting his handlers in Moscow, as well as Syria's dictator Assad and the Iranian regime.
Trump got so comfortable with his "I could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and not get arrested" support from Republicans that he went one step too far when he decided, after a little chat from his pal Erdogan, to abandon our allies the Kurds so Turkey could send more $$$ to Trump's hotel in Istanbul. Now, let's just sit back and watch what he does next. I'll bring the popcorn.
ReplyDeleteVivian -- Trump has always been a coddled, extreme narcissist who believes in his own infallibility, especially after his Russian-aided surprise electoral college win. Not having anyone in his corrupt Party standing up to him, and surrounding himself with lackeys has only emboldened him.