Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Twitter Banning Political Ads

Your move, Schmuckerberg --

And, swiping Schmuckerberg,

These are only a few tweets from Dorsey's thread; the entire thread is worth a read.

Whether this will resonate with the would- be Master of the Tech Universe Schmuckerberg remains to be seen (a small number of his employees have challenged his position on political ads), but it's a very welcome step in helping to put a dent in the flood of misinformation and the manipulation of our elections by malign actors here and abroad.


  1. I'm sure this will be an ongoing process, but I'm glad Twitter is doing the right thing. And I hope it makes Zuckerbutt rethink his ridiculous policy at Facebook.

  2. I like how this whole thread is basically a stream of shade thrown at Facebook.
