Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gun Pusher LaPierre Got Pay Hike

National Rifle Rampage Association chief executive and sinister monster with blood on his hands Wayne LaPierre received a big bump in salary in 2018, according to tax records obtained by the Washington Post. The pay raise came in the midst of turmoil at the gun lobby over misuse of funds and lavish expenditures by it's leadership, including the high-living LaPierre, who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on suits, travel and other percs of his position.

With a Rethuglican-controlled Senate firmly in the NRA's pocket, along with sociopath and pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump in the Oval Office, major gun safety legislation passed in the House last February by the Dems languishes on immoral weasel Sen. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell's desk. In the year before LaPierre's raise in salary, the U.S. suffered the highest rate of gun deaths in 20 years, with some 39,773 deaths. So in that ugly and perverse sense, LaPierre earned his blood money.

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