Monday, November 25, 2019

Navy Secretary Fired; Trump Order Violated "Good Order And Discipline"

What's this?! A person with a shred of integrity in the regime of nitwit crime family boss Donald "Cadet Bone Spurs" Trump?!

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer submitted his letter acknowledging his termination as Secretary yesterday by Trump stooge, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.  Trump had interfered in the court martial of accused war criminal Navy SEAL CPO Edward Gallagher. Secretary Spencer was fired because he opposed Trump's intention to reinstate Gallagher in the SEALs.  Here's an excerpt from the letter, which can be read in full at the link:
The rule of law is what sets us apart from our adversaries. Good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again, from Captain Lawrence's famous order "Don't Give up the Ship", to the discipline and determination that propelled our flag to the highest point on Iwo Jima. The Constitution, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, are the shields that set us apart, and the beacons that protect us all. Through my Title Ten Authority, 1 have strived to ensure our proceedings are fair, transparent and consistent, from the newest recruit to the Flag and General Officer level.
Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline. 1 cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Before joining the Trump regime, Spencer had a long business career and served as a Marine aviator, rising to the rank of Captain, which we believe outranks a Cadet with bone spurs.

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