As a number of media outlets reported, sociopath and mentally unstable con man Donald "The Chosen One" Trump had an unscheduled "medical exam" at Walter Reed National Medical Center yesterday. The fact that it didn't appear on his schedule prompted speculation that it was some sort of medical emergency (attack of post-Veterans Day bone spurs? Adderall overdose?). One real possibility is elevated blood pressure, given the unfolding impeachment inquiry, political campaigns and court cases he's lost, and his defribrillator-friendly diet. In any event, we can never rely on the White (Supremacist) House to give the straight story:
In other words, Trump’s visit to Walter Reed today was likely an emergency or af the very least urgent. And now we’re being lied to, again.— John Aravosis🇺🇸 (@aravosis) November 17, 2019
When you've burned all your credibility on big, medium and petty matters you lose the benefit of the doubt on important stuff. And, right now, no one realistically can take at face value the WH word on the president's hospital visit yesterday.
— Sam Stein (@samstein) November 17, 2019
Perhaps it's time for the White (Supremacist) House to roll out their former physician, Dr. Ronny "Candy Man" Jackson for another sweaty, dry-mouth fantastic tale about how Trump could live another 200 years, and that he's a svelte 239 pounds. Urgent times require urgent lies.
BONUS: We can always dream --
Trump’s annual physical isn’t until February but he’s going in now for “portions” of it? He just needs a an excuse in case he needs to resign and get a “compassion” pardon from Pence. @TheRickWilson @MelissaJPeltier @RickPetree @NicolleDWallace @maddow— Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) November 16, 2019
(photo: Being Preznit is a heavy lift)
Trump is the president, so why does he have to get anything done ahead of time for his physical? It's not like he has to sit in a waiting room to wait his turn. These guys can't even lie well enough to cover their asses, or his.
ReplyDeleteHe also managed to get a brief visit to a soldier, just to make sure he grabbed the headline as he always does. Deflect from the true reason he was in the hospital and tey to make it about his big hearted love for our troops.
donnah -- His narcissism can't deal with the pressure and humiliation of the impeachment inquiry, and blowing his fuse daily has to impact his mental state, if not his cardiovascular system.