Monday, November 11, 2019

QOTD -- Unpunished Is Rewarded

"The Trump campaign will do whatever it takes to win. That, in a nutshell, is why the scandal can’t wait. One of the key pillars of the whole controversy has been a simple fact: Trump intended to cheat in the election by way of an extortion scheme. The president, rightly or wrongly, saw Joe Biden as a credible electoral threat, which led him to push a vulnerable foreign ally to cook up some dirt Republicans could use before Election Day.

"To let this go unpunished is to effectively encourage the president who knows no limits, and believes there can be no checks on his misconduct, to keep exploring other cheating options.

"To ask “the American people” to decide the proper resolution is to assume the president intends to play fair over the next 12 months. Trump has already made it painfully obvious that he has a very different plan in mind."  --Steve Benen on why Republicans' "let the voters decide" deflection is so obviously flawed.  The voters, not the electoral college, decided in 2016, and how did that work out for us?  More importantly, Republicans don't act in good faith, and they're not into fair elections.  They lie, they cheat, and they steal to hold onto power, including getting help from foreign adversaries -- that's why nitwit crime family boss Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump is the perfect representative of their party's ethos, and why they support him.  Let that be their epitaph.

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